Rethinking technology in schools
Rethinking technology in schools
Better ways to use technology in schools to improve learning outcomes, health and wellbeing.
Better ways to use technology in schools to improve learning outcomes, health and wellbeing.
Why do we need this course?
What will be covered?
In an informative and challenging presentation, Dr Mark covers:
• Current beliefs about technology in schools.
• What the research shows us is actually happening.
• Neuroscience of learning and why devices are sub-optimal.
• Neuroscience of addiction and why device overuse is dangerous.
• New positive ways forward with technology in schools.
NOTE: This course can be combined with Smartphones Are Making Us Dumb, which works really well. I can run the Smartphones course for students and/or parents and this course for teachers. This is a great whole school approach and gets everyone on the same page.

The focus will be on how teachers can implement strategies in the classroom to improve learning, memory and most importantly mental health.
Contact us today to discuss your needs and see how we can help support your community.